by Tom Hinton
There is something uniquely all-American and spiritual about Thanksgiving. Because we are so consumer-oriented and material-driven, it’s nice to stop for a few hours (before the malls open their doors for the holiday shopping madness!) to reflect on how we arrived at this point in history as well as all the things that make Americans so privileged. While we are far from perfect, we are privileged. Frankly, we’ve got it pretty good as Americans.
But, it wasn’t always that way. Just look back some 200 years. Our forefathers barely survived. It was tough plowing the land and growing enough food back then. We’ve endured a revolution, world wars, the influx of millions of wonderful immigrants who’ve enriched our nation and culture, government corruption and the incredible transformation from an agrarian society to the most powerful nation on earth – all in less than 250 years.
And, through it all, we have maintained our spiritual roots and recognized that as a free people and blessed nation we do serve a higher purpose – to champion freedom and the right of all people to speak, write, protest, vote and pursue life, liberty and happiness. We will also stand up for those people who are impoverished, imprisoned, enslaved and subjected to the tyranny of corrupt governments. It’s simply part of our fabric and soul as a people and a free nation.
So, here are a few things I’d like to give thanks for this Thanksgiving. I’m sure you can add to this list. I am thankful for:
· The gift of life, and to be born in America where all things are possible.
· All those brave men and women who serve in our military and defended the ideals of American freedom.
· My parents, grandparents and forefathers for their sacrifices and hard work.
· The opportunity to celebrate life, pursue my passions, live my dreams and succeed or fail based on my own doing.
· My education and the ability to learn about anything I so choose.
· The ability to travel and explore the beauty, culture and people of our world.
· To live during a time when I can instantly communicate with people around the world and have an impact through my words and actions.
· Monday Night Football and college basketball.
Happy Thanksgiving.
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