Monday, June 3, 2013

The Perfect Father's Day Present

It’s that time of year when all the ladies start racking their brains trying to figure out, “What should I get Dad for Father’s Day?” He’s got everything he needs and he won’t give you any hints on what he really wants.
At the risk of alienating all my female friends, I’d like to suggest the perfect Father’s Day gift. But, before I do, let me just say that there’s a reason why most women haven’t offered this Father’s Day gift before. It’s not that they don’t think their men will appreciate it. On the contrary, they will! It’s not because the gift is too expensive. It’s not!

There’s a deeper, darker motive here. The truth is women have been keeping this gift idea a secret from men because women want to protect their private sanctuaries and enjoy a few minutes of peace and quiet, away from men. And, who can blame them. After all, we’re a bit demanding. Okay, we’re a pain! But, that’s just most of the time, not always.

But now, ladies, you can help bring out Dad’s nurturing, loving qualities with the perfect Father’s Day gift. Are you ready? Here it is… a pedicure and a manicure at your local spa!

Before you ladies rake me over the hot coals for revealing one of your most cherished, secret activities, consider the benefits and return-on-investment. Men deserve some of the creature comforts of life, right? All we really have are sports, poker games, fast cars, Netflix, a weekend nap and a night out with the boys whenever you’ll let us out of the house. But, if you’d introduce dear old Dad to the local spa – and, yes, you need to go with him so he doesn’t feel helpless or look stupid – you will transform him into that wonderful, cuddly man you’ve always wished for.

Now, ladies, there is one downside to this gift. Once Dad experiences a good manicure and pedicure – including the full foot massage treatment and getting his toe nails painted with a clear gloss – he’ll be spoiled rotten. He’ll want to go back every month. But, of course, being manly, he’ll never admit it. So, you’ll just have to make the return appointment for the spa on a day when the Masters isn’t on television or the grass doesn’t need to be mowed.

Ever since my wife introduced me to this fabulous treatment last year, I’ve been a loyal customer at our local pedicure spa. I was hesitant at first, but then, logic took over. I mean, what man in his right mind would let a gift certificate expire without being used!

Of course, boys, there is one hook that should be shared in the spirit of full disclosure. My wife doesn’t let me forget how indebted I should be to her for giving me such a wonderful Father’s Day present! Yes, dear, you are right as usual. Happy Father’s Day! 

About the Author: Tom Hinton is a popular speaker and the author of 10,000 Days: The Rest of Your Life, the Best of Your Life!  For information visit: